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A Step By Step Guide To Back up and Downloading your Website on PageCarton.


article by in PageCarton Lessons

In the digital age, website is the face of a business or personal brand. Whether it's a blog, an e-commerce site, or a personal website. Backing up your website files is the first step towards secu...

In the digital age, website is the face of a business or personal brand. Whether it's a blog, an e-commerce site, or a personal website. Backing up your website files is the first step towards securing your website. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to effectively back up your website on PageCarton.

To Back Up Your Website Files:

  • Access your Admin Panel.
  • Go to Setting, click on Backup and Restore.
  • On the Backup page click on Create Backup.
  • Give it a Backup description (e.g myfirstbackup), then click on Create.


To Download Your Website Files:

Downloading the backup of your website is a step in ensuring that you have a local copy of your website's files and database. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to download the backup:

  • Access your Admin Panel.
  • Go to Setting, click on Backup and Restore.
  • On the Backup page, your recently Back up file will be there with download option.

                        You can double click on the downloaded file to View.

  • Click on Download.
  • You can check your backup file in your files downloads.



To Export Your Files into another website:

Exporting the backup of your website involves creating an export link containing your website. Here's how you can export the backup:

  • Access your Admin Panel.
  • Go to Setting, click on Backup and Restore.
  • On the Backup page click on Export.
  • On the Backup Editor, select the desired link expiry time e.g 1hr or 10hrs, then click on Export.
  • You can copy the export URL generated to import into another website.


To Restore Your Website Files:

By restoring a backup, you revert your files to a previous state, undoing any changes made since the backup was created. Here's how you can restore backup file:

  • Access your Admin Panel.
  • Go to Setting, click Backup and Restore.
  • On the Backup page click on Restore.
  • On the Backup Restore page click on Restore to restore yout theme files.


To Upload Your Website Files:

   Uploading a backup file to restore your website is for recovering your site in case of data loss or other issues. Here's how you can restore backup file:

  • Access your Admin Panel.
  • Go to Setting, click Backup and Restore.
  • On the Backup page select Upload Backup.
  • On the Upload Backup page, select upload , open the backup file from your files downloads.
  • Click on Import to upload the Backup file selected.
4 months ago

Changing Number of Posts to Display on a Widget


Documentation Article by Ayoola Falola in

Another interesting customization feature just came in the latest PageCarton. Users of PageCarton can now change the number of post shown in embedded widget from the admin panel. For example, be...

Another interesting customization feature just came in the latest PageCarton. Users of PageCarton can now change the number of post shown in embedded widget from the admin panel.

For example, before now, when a theme developer set that a theme can only have 3 slideshow pictures on the home page, it was impossible for the user of the theme to make it show 5 slideshow pictures instead. They would have to alter the theme and only users that know html could do that.. But with this new feature, while the user is adding dynamic content through the 'Publish Content' section, they can override the developer's default settings for each post sections on the page easily.

The Publish Content section has also been improved to allow some easy access to individual page settings.And also, it is possible to turn off a whole widget section. 

What do you think about this feature?

7 months ago

Installing PageCarton via Composer


article by Ayoola Falola in Installation , Advanced Topics

If you have Composer installed on your computer, you can easily get PageCarton up by running the following commands on your command line.  # 1. Download PageCarton via composer compose...

If you have Composer installed on your computer, you can easily get PageCarton up by running the following commands on your command line. 

# 1. Download PageCarton via composer
composer create-project pagecarton/pagecarton --prefer-dist -s dev

# 2. Go into the project
cd pagecarton

# 3. Start PageCarton Dev Server
php page serve

With this, you do not need to install any other server. Easy, right? We think so too.

Now you can open PageCarton on your browser by going to http://localhost:8001

Or the Admin Panel on http://localhost:8001/pc-admin

2 yrs ago

Setting up PageCarton via Docker


article by Ayoola Falola in Installation , Advanced Topics

PageCarton now has a few files in its GitHub repository that helps to set it up on Docker easily. If you are familiar with Docker or a newbie, you should be able to get started with PageCarton...

PageCarton now has a few files in its GitHub repository that helps to set it up on Docker easily. If you are familiar with Docker or a newbie, you should be able to get started with PageCarton on Docker without stress. 

The beauty of working with Docker is that you do not have to worry about setting up your server or configuring it. We have created a few settings in the Docker file to ensure the system will be using a compatible server to run your PageCarton in its container. 

Follow these steps to set up PageCarton on Docker

  1. Install Docker Desktop (If you have not done that already). Go to https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/ to learn how to install Docker Desktop for your operating system.
  2. Start up Docker Desktop and ensure it is running

  3. Clone PageCarton from Github to your local system. For this, you need to launch your command line or terminal and enter the clone command
    git clone https://github.com/pagecarton/pagecarton.git
  4. Still on the command line, change directory into the cloned 'pagecarton' directory.
    cd pagecarton


  5. Build PageCarton image on Docker by entering the following command on the command line
    docker-compose up -d


That is it, PageCarton is live and you can go ahead to personalize it!

2 yrs ago

Steps in Creating a PageCarton Website Offline


article by Tolulope in Design and Layout

Creating a website has now been made easy with the use of Pagecarton, it's not necessary to know much about coding. If you have your contents ready, and the style of how your website wants to...

Creating a website has now been made easy with the use of Pagecarton, it's not necessary to know much about coding. If you have your contents ready, and the style of how your website wants to look, your website creation with pagecarton is as easy as ABC. 
For this tutorial, we will be using an offline server called LOCALHOST. After installing your favorite offline server, pagecarton will be needed to install on it so that we can access the pagecarton admin panel locally. If you don't have pagecarton installed on your pc, you can download the latest version of pagecarton on Latest PageCarton Update, and go to Installing PageCarton for the simplified instructions on how to install pagecarton on your offline server.
So when successfully installed, go to the PageCarton admin Panel to access your admin panel and get started on your website creation. A pictorial example of the page is shown below: 

As shown above, there are 7 steps needed to complete the website creation, and after completing a step, you will get access to start the next step. You can also preview your site (using the 'Preview Site' button) to check for the changes you make on the website.

STEP 1 (Update Basic Info): You get to update the details of the site information, which include the site headline, site description, brand logo and the favicon of the website. When they have all been updated, click on continue to go to the next step.

STEP 2 (Choose Theme): Here, you get to pick your desired theme, according to how you want your website to look. Click on the 'Install' button below the theme you wish to use, then click on 'Install theme' in the next page loaded. Click on 'Set as Default Theme' to make it updated automatically on our website.

STEP 3 (Choose Color): You get to choose the font color and the background color you want, but you can ignore it if you are cool with the way your website looks with the default color.

STEP 4 (Set Static Content): On this page, you can set your static texts to what your website is. You get to update your organization name, the short description about organization, the social media links of the website, location, etc.

STEP 5 (Update Pictures): This contains all the pictures that is being used on your website. It's just like your website's gallery. You can add and delete pictures in this section too.

Click on the 'More in File Manager' to see all the uploaded pictures in detail. You can also view, replace and upload more files in this page. To delete any file or p[icture in this section, tick the checkbox ☑ at the left -hand side of the file you want to delete, then go to the bottom of the page where the list of pictures are, then click on the 'Delete' button.


STEP 6 (Publish Content): This is where the main content of the page is updated or uploaded. You can get to upload the contents of your slideshow, testimonials, features, team-members, etc depending on the pattern of your website 

Update the necessary information and contents needed in each step. When you are done, you can choose to share your website online or buy a domain to give you the full access to your website.

2 yrs ago

Steps in Creating a PageCarton Theme


article by P5Peter in Code , Design and Layout , Working with PageCarton

Creating a PageCarton theme isn't actually a difficult task, but just that it might involve a long process and a little bit of how programming codes work. The main purpose of having a PageCarto...

Creating a PageCarton theme isn't actually a difficult task, but just that it might involve a long process and a little bit of how programming codes work. The main purpose of having a PageCarton theme is to ensure other users get an easy and fast customization of their own personal websites with the use of the themes(which serve as a template) created by other users.

Getting an HTML Template File

Download your desired already-designed template file. These kind of templates are most times in a .zip file or other file extensions. In the template will consist of different html and css files; the template can be a personal template or website designed by you. You may get a clean and well-arranged HTML-based template from free-css.com or other sites related to it. There are some other sites you can easily get your already-designed websites, check where to get html templates.

Uploading Template File into PageCarton Admin Panel

After the complete download of your clean already-designed template file(.zip file), the next step is to import it into your PageCarton Admin panel so your PageCarton theme creation and development start from there. If you don't have pagecarton installed on your pc, you can download the latest version of pagecarton on Latest PageCarton Update, and go to How To Install PageCarton for the simplified instructions on how to install pagecarton on your offline server.
So go to the pagecarton admin panel of your local server to start with your theme creation.

  1. Navigate to 'Appearance' from the next screen shown.
  2. Proceed to 'Themes'.
  3. Click on 'Upload New Theme'.
    • Input your desired name of theme in the required space. (Preferably the same name of the template downloaded from the other source)
    • Upload your theme file
    • Leave the theme update options as they are, to avoid future problems or bugs
    • Click on 'Save'.
  4. Close pop-up screen shown
  5. Then your new theme should be listed on the 'My Themes' section
  6. Click on 'Options' on the row of your new theme
  7. Click on 'Preview' from the dropdown options, to check if the theme is working perfectly fine as to the template that was downloaded.

The picture above shows how your page should look when you are about to preview your theme.

Importing the Theme into your Code Editor

After the confirmation and everything is working fine, then you can go on the next step to editing your theme and making it easy for others to use your themes. There are different ways to edit your theme, and they are listed below, the best and suitable way will be showed after the whole explanation of how to edit your theme to make it reusable for other users.
The suitable method is to use any code editor of your choice, either a text editor or an IDE, like VS Code, Sublime Text, Atom and the likes. Using this method, it will be ideal to use an offline server like localhost, so the steps to open it on a code editor(VS Code to be precise) will be outlined below:

  • Open your VS Code App
  • Navigate to File, Click on 'Open Folder' or press Ctrl + K + O
  • Go to your Local Disk
  • Locate your local(offline) server folder (e.g. xampp)
  • Go to pagecarton, then to sites, to default, to application, to document, to layout
  • Then left-click the folder with the name of your uploaded theme
  • Click on the 'Select Folder' box at the bottom right corner of the page.

After carefully following the above steps, the folder should be loaded on your code editor. The directory should be like the one below...

Editing the Header and Footer

Now that the theme folder has been imported to your code editor, we can start editing and integrating different pagecarton functions into the necessary html codes. So to start with, the navigation bar menu, header and footer are meant to be edited first and it's very important to note that the 'header' and 'footer' section are meant to be edited in the 'templateraw' file on your code editor, and other codes can be edited on 'index.html' and other menus. The 'templateraw' file can be found in the Left-Side Bar of your VS Code, or you can use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+E to open the Explorer Bar.

For the navigation bar, you will need to add a widget for url link so if other users want to add another menu on their website while using your theme, the widget will help with that. To do that, the code below will be used in the appropriate section where the other nav menus are placed:

<widget parameters='{"class": "Ayoola_Menu"}'>
      <a href=""></a>


The next is to update the logo in the header and footer of the template, so the logo uploaded in your website wizard can reflect instead of the default logo in your template. The code below should be replaced with the one in the logo tag in the code: 

<img style="max-height: 100px;" src="/img/logo.png" alt="{Organization Name}">



Using Standard Replaceable Texts 

Some dummy contents should be noted in your template, dummy texts like lorem ipsum dolor and the likes, so that's where standard replaceable texts come in. It is highly recommended to use standard replaceable texts so users changing themes won't need to update new contents. Check how to use standard replaceable texts here to have more understanding of how and where to use standard replaceable texts in your theme. 

Integrating Template Forms to PageCarton Forms

Next is to integrate your html template form(s) to work as pagecarton forms by embedding  the in-built widgets using this guide: Linking HTML forms to PageCarton Forms. There are different kind of forms which can be on a website. Examples are Sign Up Form, Email Opt-in Form, Contact Form, etc. But you are to check your template well and know the kind of form that is on the website, and by then you can choose the 'form widget', 'widget url' and 'method' to use.
For example, if the form on your template is a contact form, the 'form action' attribute should be set to '/widgets/PageCarton_Conatct_Form' and the 'method' attribute set to 'POST' (all without the quotes).

Editing Main Content using Post Types Parameters and Widgets

Most times, there are categories like posts in the different sections of websites, so to integrate that into something relatable to the pagecarton admin panel, we embed them so they can be automated using 'Application_Article_ShowAll' or other types of widgets available on pagecarton. Check how to use standard post types parameters in embedding widgets to see different Post Types parameters in embedding widgets. Ensure you use only standad post types so users won't need to update contents again when they change themes. Other parameters to note are:

  •  'add_a_new_post' - the number of posts to be displayed
  • length_of_title - the maximum number of characters to display in an article_title
  • length_of_description - the maximum number of characters to display in an article_description

A pictorial example is shown below. 

Other widgets that can be added are:

  • Application_SiteInfo - to access the site headline, description and the banner image from the database
  • Ayoola_Menu - to display navigation options

Editing Dominant Colors and other Sections

So the next step to do is to change the dominant color(s) in your template into the pagecarton background color or font color, so check out for the main theme colors(i.e. the colors that are frequently used in the 'style.css' file in your code editor). The easy way to change the color is to use the 'Application_SearchReplace' widget and this widget code should be used at the beginning of the stylesheet. The dominant color will then be replaced with the background color set in the pagecarton admin panel. The code to use is shown below: (using '#ff0000' and '#e90102' as your frequently used colors in this context)

<widget parameters='{"class": "Application_Global"}'>

<widget-inner parameters='{ "class": "Application_SearchReplace", "search": ["#ff0000", "#e90102"], "replace": ""}'>
#ff0000 - 

And there should be a closing tag at the end of the 'style.css' stylesheet too, as shown below:



 So, upon the completion of the steps above, your pagecarton theme should be set and ready for upload.

2 yrs ago
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